PPC, or Pay per click, is an online advertising model in which advertisers display ads on search engines and other websites and pay when users click on them. While SEO is the holy grail of organic traffic, utilising PPC can be a great way to jump-start your website's visibility and draw targeted traffic.

How our PPC services can help

Investing in a PPC strategy can feel risky at first, as no one likes spending money without being able to see instant results. However, thanks to analytic tools, we can develop a paid marketing strategy for you and track how your PPC campaigns are performing.

We create PPC ads that target your audience and are relevant to their search queries. We also split-test different ad copy and landing pages to establish what works best for your customers and your business. And we continuously monitor and optimise your campaign, so you get the best results possible.


PPC: The Basics

We will assist you in understanding how PPC works and the basics of setting up your first campaign. In addition, we will help you research your target keywords, so you can bid on the ones that are most relevant to your business.

Perceived wisdom for PPC is to start small, optimise and test before increasing your spending. Our team will help you to set achievable goals, track progress and show you how to interpret the data so that you can make informed decisions about your PPC strategy.

PPC: Management & Maintenance

Once we have set up your initial campaign, we will monitor it on an ongoing basis, making changes where necessary to ensure that it continues to perform at its best. As you begin seeing results from your ad campaign, you may wish to increase your ad spend to bring in more clients.

We will also provide you with regular reports, so you can see how your PPC campaign is performing and track your return on investment. If you need help interpreting the data, our team will be on hand to offer advice and recommendations.

Let us help you create and manage your PPC ad campaign

If you're looking for a way to jump-start your website's visibility and draw targeted traffic, consider investing in PPC. Our team can help you create PPC ads that target your audience and are relevant to their search queries. Contact us today to discover more about our PPC services and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.

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